Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nov. 11, 2013: Hope Into Practice: Jewish Women Choosing Justice Despite Our Fears

Activist, author and teacher Penny Rosenwasser discusses her book, Hope Into Practice. The book explores the origins and expressions of anti-Semitism and how its legacy still prevents Jewish American women from becoming the best activists we can be.   The book contains personal stories of ten Jewish women, including Rosenwasser, blended with scholarship, exercises for healing and an action-oriented Reader's Guide.

Penny Rosenwasser is the author of two previous books, Voices from a Promised Land: Palestinian & Israeli Peace Activists Speak their Hearts, and VISIONARY VOICES, Women on Power: Conversations with shamans, activists, teachers, artists and healers. She's also a former KPFA radio host, founding board member of Jewish Voice for Peace, and long-time staff member of Middle East Children's Alliance.
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Penny celebrates the release of Hope Into Practice Monday, November 18 at  7 pm
Kehilla Synagogue, Social Hall
1300 Grand Avenue
Oakland (Lake Merritt area)

Hear more about the book, engage in lively discussion, enjoy wonderful music, sample taste treats Wheelchair accessible.

Also on this show:  Eating Disorders: Not Just a Teen Problem

Listen to the full show, including a tribute folk music legend, Faith Petric

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