Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nov. 11, 2013: Eating Disorders: Not Just a Teen Problem

Many of us assume that eating disorders only affect Caucasian women between 16 and 25, or that they're only an extreme form of dieting. But at the major facilities treating anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders, a majority of clients are over 25, and a significant percentage over 50. Only one in ten people suffering from these conditions seeks treatment, and a shocking one in ten dies from it.

Jennifer Lombardi is an anorexia survivor who is now director of the Eating Recovery Center of California (formerly Summit Eating Disorders and Outreach Program).  In this interview with Kate Raphael, she discusses the myths and facts about eating disorders and what you can do if you think someone you care about has one.

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For more information:  National Eating Disorders Association

Also on this show:  Penny Rosenwasser discusses Hope Into Practice: Jewish Women Choosing Justice Despite Our Fears

Listen to the full show, including a tribute folk music legend, Faith Petric

1 comment:

  1. Frauengruppen And the miserable place from it, wherever couples could possibly last but not least not flourish in saving the particular union
