Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014: The UC Anti-Apartheid Movement And The Legacy of Free Speech Movement

Graduate students and other demonstrators picketing outside Sproul 1964

Twenty years after the Free Speech Movement rocked Berkeley, the University of California, and eventually the culture, UC Berkeley exploded in passionate activism. Students and faculty joined the wave of campus anti-apartheid movements calling for divestment of university pension funds and endowments from South Africa. In 1986, the UC regents' vote to divest $13 billion from companies doing business in South Africa represented the largest single divestiture and may have helped to speed the end of the apartheid regime. This accomplishment was recognized by Nelson Mandela, during his 1990 speech in Oakland.

How did that student movement emerge, mobilize and achieve this historic victory? How was the Berkeley anti-apartheid movement influenced by the Free Speech Movement two decades earlier, and the women's movement which came between?

On a special Women's Magazine on the first day of our Refresh KPFA pledge drive, I explore those questions with then-student leaders Andrea Pritchett and Rita Himes and faculty activist Ruth Rosen, who was also involved in the Berkeley movements in the 1960s, especially the anti-war and feminist movements. We'll also listen to excerpts of the film, SOWETO TO BERKELEY, which tells the story of this extraordinary time on the Berkeley campus.

Donate to KPFA

We'll be offering SOWETO TO BERKELEY as a thank you gift for your pledge to KPFA during this hour. I hope many of you will donate to show your support for feminist programming and progressive, community-controlled radio.  But whether you can give or not, please don't miss this hour of great conversation and stirring footage.

Listen to entire show. 59:50 min.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014: Magnificent Matriarchy: Saving the Elephant

The State of the Elephant, an Archive of Ancient Wisdom

"Nobody needs ivory. Everyone needs elephants."
Val Ibarra speaks with some of the inspiring organizers of the Global March for Elephants & Rhinos happening on Saturday, October 4th, World Animal Day. Co-founder of the local group March for Elephants, Rosemary Alles, and Tamara Birdsall share the story of the Elephant, and why we need to & how we can save this keystone species and magnificent matriarchy.

Saturday, October 4th is World Animal Day, and in 85 cities around the world - including San Francisco - groups will be participating in the March for Elephants and Rhinos. In San Francisco meet at 10:30 AM at St. Mary's Square. Why? Because poaching illegal ivory and legal ivory manufacturing have put African elephants in danger of extinction within a decade! Rosemary Alles and Tamara Birdsall tell us the story of the Elephant, and why we need to & how we can save this keystone species and magnificent matriarchy. For more information and to sign petitions go to www.MarchforElephants.org and www.march4elephantsandrhinos.org

San Francisco March for Elephants and Rhinos march route

Listen now or Get MP3. 29:11 min.

Also on today's show.

Monday, September 22, 2014: Magnificent Matriarchy: Women's music pioneer Tret Fure

Tret Fure

Kate Raphael interviews Tret Fure, one of the pioneers of women's music. Tret produced many records for Olivia Records in its heyday, including "Meg and Cris at Carnegie Hall." She also has 18 albums of her own, continues to write, perform and produce, and is president of Local 1000, the Traveling Musicians Union. She'll be in San Francisco for a concert on September 27. The concert is at Park Presidio United Methodist Church 4301 Geary Blvd at 8 PM. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Or call 415-751-4438.

Tret's newest album is A Piece of the Sky.

or Get MP3 (26:06)

Listen to entire show. 59:50 min.

Also on today's show.
Saving the Elephant

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014: Fabulosa Festival Preview

Seventh Annual Fabulosa Festival

We preview the upcoming Fabulosa women's music and crafts festival, featuring great music, workshops, games, massage, swimming and more in a spectacular Yosemite venue. We'll get all the info from Fabulosa cofounder, Judea Eden. This event is a fundraiser for Mountain Crisis Services and Power/Just Cause.

Festival will be held at Spinning Wheel in Yosemite, CA September 25-28th. Tickets available at the gate. For more info check fabulosa.org or call (415) 624-9390. E: info@fabulosa.org

Listen now or Get MP3. 9:16 min.

Click here to listen to entire show. 59:50 min.

Also on today's show:
Remembering Martina Davis-Correia and Troy Davis
Is Miscarriage Becoming a Crime?

Monday, September 15, 2014: Remembering Martina Davis-Correia and Troy Davis

The lives and legacies of death penalty and breast cancer activist Martina Davis-Correia and her brother, Troy Anthony Davis, whose execution in Georgia in 2011 helped to reinvigorate the movement to end the death penalty.  We speak with Kimberly Davis, Troy and Martina's sister, and with Jen Marlowe, author of the book I AM TROY DAVIS.

A community book club event for I Am Troy Davis is Saturday, October 11, 2-4 pm at Mudraker's Cafe, 2801 Telegraph in Berkeley. Check out more about Jen films and book events at donkeysaddle.org.

Listen now or Get MP3. 30:49 min.

Click here to listen to entire show. 59:50 min.

Also on today's show:
Is Miscarriage Becoming a Crime?
Fabulosa Festival Preview

Don't miss this event!

Monday, September 15, 2014: Is Miscarriage Becoming a Crime?

The side effect of paranoia over abortion.

Amanda Marcotte on Twitter
Why did Texas police search a school with helicopters after a girl miscarried in the bathroom? In the national panic over abortion, women seeking routine medical care can be treated as suspects.  We talk with blogger and women's health reporter Amanda Marcotte. Amanda is author of It's a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments and contributor to Rh Reality Check. Her article, The Aftermath of ‘Hobby Lobby': Multiple Attacks on Contraception Access appears there.

Listen now or Get MP3. 15:27 min

Other links:
National Advocates for Pregnant Women.
Rh Reality Check
Amanda on Twitter

Click here to listen to entire show. 59:50 min.

Also on today's show:
Remembering Martina Davis-Correia and Troy Davis
Fabulosa Festival Preview

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Monday September 8, 2014: Exploring the experience of older homeless women

Kate Raphael interviews Jo Kreiter of Flyaway Productions. Jo's new aerial dance piece, Multiple Mary and Invisible Jane, explores the experience of older homeless women.Kate and Jo talk about some of the stories about homeless women in San Francisco from a different, on the street perspective.Jo pushes through "compassion fatigue" with her incredible production.

In collaboration with journalist Rose Aguilar, Episcopal Community Services of SF, UC Hastings College of the Law, and composer Pamela Z, Flyaway will instigate the piece  on the border between the Tenderloin and Central Market Neighborhoods of downtown SF, where the city’s extremes of privilege and deprivation crash into each other. We will illuminate the experience of homeless women in San Francisco, whose population has grown dramatically in the last 20 years.  Flyaway will capture the sorrow faced by an increasing number of these women, as well as the dignity with which they are facing their new American reality. Featuring Erin Mei-Ling Stuart, Alayna Stroud, Marystarr Hope, Becca Dean, Laura Ellis, and Esther Wrobel.

A new site specific dance in the Tenderloin Neighborhood of SF, bringing attention to the older homeless women who inhabit our streets, seeking refuge
UC Hastings School of the Law/ 333 Golden Gate Ave SF, between Larkin and Hyde
Look for the outdoor wall on the back side of the Larkin Street Parking Garage
Premiering September 12-20, 2014:
Friday-Saturday, Sept 12‐13@8pm and 9pm
Wednesday‐Thursday, Sept 17‐18@ Noon and 8pm
Friday‐Saturday, Sept 19‐20@8pm and 9pm

Click here to listen to KPFA Women's Magazine 59:50 min.

Also on today's show:
Daisy Hernandez talks about her new writings.

Monday, September 8, 2014: Daisy Hernandez talks about her new memoir

Lisa Detmer talks with Daisy Hernandez about her life and her new memoir, A Cup of Water Under My Bed. She reads excerpts from her book.

Daisy grew up in a Latina women centric family with her parents and aunties. She writes about her childhood and spiritual background in a mixed Latino family and community. Daisy says about her new book:

I grew up in New Jersey. That’s where I heard the best stories about Cuba and Colombia and this lady who knows how to eat an avocado so you won’t get pregnant. It’s also where I first learned about feminism, queer identity, and race in the Americas. You can read these stories in my new book, A Cup of Water Under My Bed: A Memoir. It’s in bookstores September 9.

Daisy will be reading from her new memoir tonight at Booksmith in San Francisco at 7:30 PM and at Book Passage at Corte Madera on Wednesday, September 10th at 7 PM.

Click here to listen to entire show. 59:50 min.

Also on today's show:
Exploring the experience of older homeless women

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Monday September 1, 2014: Drop the Charges on Rasmea Odeh

Rasmea Odeh, Chicago feminist community leader and torture survivor, faces prison.

Rasmea Odeh was arrested and sexually tortured by the Israeli military in 1969, eventually confessing to a crime she didn't commit.  After ten years in Israeli prison, Rasmea created a new life in the U.S., helping to found the Arab Women's Committee, a 600-member organization that helps immigrant Arab women learn English, find their voices, and support one another.  Now the U.S. government is threatening to strip her of her citizenship and send her to prison for another ten years because of her past as a political prisoner.  We talk about the case with Professor Nadine Naber, author of Arab America: Gender, Cultural Politics and Activism.

Call Tuesday, September 2nd to stop the deportation of Rasmea. Go to www.stopfbi.net for phone numbers. Click here to sign petition to drop the charges against Rasmea.

Rally for Rasmea on September 8th.

Listen now or Get MP3: 32:21 min.

Click here listen to entire program. 59:50 min.

Also on today's show:
Domestic Workers Organize in the US

September 1, 2014: Domestic Workers Organize in the US

Author Sheila Bapat on domestic worker organizing in the U.S.

When U.S. labor protections were being created in the 1930s, domestic workers, who were overwhelmingly African American, were specifically excluded as a concession to southern Democrats. Today, the women who do domestic worker are largely immigrants, and while they have won some rights, still face harsh conditions with little recourse.  But in recent years, domestic worker organizing has been one of the most successful labor movements in the country. Sheila Bapat, author of Part of the Family? Nannies, Housekeepers, Caregivers, and the Battle for Domestic Workers’ Rights, talks with Preeti Shekar.

Sheila Bapat is an attorney and writer covering economic and gender justice. Her work has appeared in Jacobin, Salon, Reuters, Slate, Alternet, Truthout, the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law, PolicyMatters, and the Center for Women Policy Studies' series, "Reproductive Laws for the 21st Century." Sheila holds a JD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Law.

Listen now or Get MP3. 20:48 min.

Sunday September 7, 2014, 3-5p
Claiming our Voice: South Asian Domestic Worker Organizing
Held at Oakstop Coworking, 1721 Broadway, Suite 201, Oakland, CA 94612

Hosted by ASATA (Alliance of South Asians Taking Action) and Re-imagine RPE
Special Guest: Sheila Bapat, author of "Part of the Family?," a book about domestic workers' rights, Panel moderated by Preeti Mangala Shekar. For tickets and more info go to Claiming Our Voice.

Click here to listen to entire program. 59:50 min.

Also on today's show:
Drop the Charges on Rasmea Odeh