"Pinkwashing," a term first used to refer to corporate profiteering off of breast cancer awareness, now has another meaning as well. It describes the efforts of the Israeli government and its supporters to use progressive policies toward gay and trans citizens of Israel to build alliances with queer communities in the U.S. and Europe, and deflect criticism of its defiance of international law and repression of Palestinians - both citizens and non-citizens, queer and straight.
Lesbian activist, filmmaker and author Sarah Schulman's newest book is Israel/Palestine and the Queer International. Schulman brought the concept of "pinkwashing" into the mainstream with an Op-Ed in the New York Times in 2011.
Lisa Dettmer talks with Sarah about pinkwashing and the personal journey which ended in her becoming a key spokesperson for the growing LGBT Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement targeting Israeli human rights violations.
Learn more about pinkwashing
As controversy swirls around the newly released "DSM-5," which many say continues the tradition of overdiagnosing mental disorders, we speak with Mickey Eliason, Ph.Dyk, author of the Dyke Diagnostic Manual (ed. III, Revised). Eliason sheds light on such little-known maladies as Femme Feline Fetish, Lesbian Fusion Disorder and U-Haul Syndrome.
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Lisa Dettmer talks with Sarah about pinkwashing and the personal journey which ended in her becoming a key spokesperson for the growing LGBT Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement targeting Israeli human rights violations.
Learn more about pinkwashing
As controversy swirls around the newly released "DSM-5," which many say continues the tradition of overdiagnosing mental disorders, we speak with Mickey Eliason, Ph.Dyk, author of the Dyke Diagnostic Manual (ed. III, Revised). Eliason sheds light on such little-known maladies as Femme Feline Fetish, Lesbian Fusion Disorder and U-Haul Syndrome.
Don't forget to leave your suggestions for the next edition, and vote for your favorite labels here!
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